Hi everyone. Kuan Chen(KC) here. I am now a co-author of this blog, thanks to Chee Hou. You can find me on facebook: Yong Kuan Chen, or in Dueling Network: darkless88
I promised to write something about holy mark, the new archtype from GAOV after a match with the main author on DN, he loves it but i don't find it at its perfection yet because there is one week left until the release of the pack itself. So i will rest on it, and i hope that GAOV-JP001 is a level 6 holy mark normal dragon monster card. ^ ^
Anyway, i wish to introduce a new possible meta after march. "Zombie XYZ" (I am very into a board game call Resident Evil deck building game, suddenly a zombie fan). We shall be abusing the Blue-Blooded Oni!!
Looking at its stats, an attack of 1000(Beware of chain disappearance
http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Chain_Disappearance) and a defense of 1700, slightly better than summoner monk with a devastating effect. Once per turn: You can detach 1 XYZ material you control to target one level 4 Zombie in your graveyard and special summon it. The broken thing about XYZ is its activation of its effect. Usually you can use an XYZ monster's effect once per turn, and at most a turn since your opponent can destroy it easily with so many cards like dark hole etc. So usually there will be some leftover materials which this monster can make good use of it. With proper mill, Blue-Blooded Oni can swarm plenty of rank 4-XYZ monster and perform an OTK.
Here is how the math goes. Assume opponent has no set cards and one monster with 8000LP. You have at least 2 zombie(Be it Zombie Master or Blue-Blooded Oni) in your grave and many hand cards while 2 of them are either Zombie Master (
http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Zombie_Master) or Blue-Blooded Oni , Summon Zombie Master, discard 1 monster to special summon another Zombie Master and Special Summon One Blue-Blooded Oni. XYZ the first rank 4, i prefer Lavalval Chain
http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Lavalval_Chain. Mill another zombie (Be it Zombie Master or Blue-Blooded Oni) and use Blue-Blooded Oni's effect. Remove the remaining XYZ material to SS another zombie from the grave. Now you have 1 Lavalval Chain (OR be any powerful rank 4 XYZ monster) 1 Blue-Blooded Oni and 1 Zombie Monster (Zombie Master if the previous rank 4 monster you summon has 0 XYZ material and Blue-Blooded Oni if you have 1 XYZ material left) and repeat until you have a lot of monster enough to wipe your opponent's LP clean.
Recommended XYZs are
a) Lavalval Chain, makes a great mill
b) Verz Oroboros which requires 3 Level 4 Monster and has an imba effect which return a card to the enemy's hand. (Field Clearance)
c) No 32: Marine Bite Dragon Shark Drake which another powerful Goyo-like XYZ monster which requires 3 Level 4 Monster for summoning. (Deals more damage and high attack of 2800)
d) No 39: Utopia, common XYZ with 2500 attack (Epic WOW and abundant reprints)
e) Vylon Disigma
f) Daigusta Emeral (For extra hand card)
g) Evigishki Merrowgeist
h) No. 50 Black Corn (Imba effect against annoying little creatures likes set Ryko)
This is how my DN deck looks like, using lightsworn milling engine to mill my precious zombies~ Very fast mill but luck dependent. If your luck is like s***-like, do not attempt. That is all and another thank you for Chee Hou for allowing me this opportunity to share my views with my penang friends. Miss you all so much, do come visit me in Melaka!!