Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Back row hate...

After the release of GS 2012, almost all the player start to main 1 or 2 starlight road in their deck, especially for those deck which run high amount of trap cards or deck which play heavy back row. For instance, Hero deck, WWBW, Offering Gadget and etc. Beside starlight road, dimension prison also have become the main concern for many player during battle phase. All these problem thanks to the release of GS2012, yet it doesn't mean I don't like it to get reprint.

Things getting annoying due to the heavy back row, these make player think twice before making any decisions that will punish you for the game.

So, i would like to bring back a long forgotten card to help countering it.

 And that card will be Xing Zhen Hu.
Card effect :
Ruling of the card :

This card will be a good side in to countering those mentioned deck. It is a +1 advantage, you only use 1 card to lock down 2 of his set up card. Beside, this card also making your opponent left 3 space to set their cards. Try to think of it if u have 2 copy of Xing Zhen Hu and you successfully lock down 4 of his set cards, this will indirectly help you to win game and you will hear your opponent shouting out, "WTF!!! Why you put this kind of cards !!!"

Yes, you might say MST is in 3 copy now, yet how many deck will put in 3 MST anyway. Beside, if he/she MST your Xing Zhen Hu also will not be a big deal, because your powerful trap cards like, mirror force, dimension prison and etc is safe from being MST.

Thus, if your local have many heavy back row player, try to side in 2 copy of it if your side deck still available.

I will stop here today, hope you all enjoy it. Thanks and bye.

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